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E-shop offer


Precision Dynamometer 20 N

Cat.n.: 1003108
Colour-coded precision dynamometer in a transparent plastic casing...
1 306,80 CZK

Dynamometers for Demonstrating Hooke‘s Law

Cat.n.: 1003109
Device for confirmation of Hooke's Law and determining the spring...
1 911,80 CZK

Precision Dynamometer 100 N

Cat.n.: 1003110
Colour coded precision dynamometer in a transparent plastic casing...
1 306,80 CZK

Dynamometer 250 g / 2.5 N, Colour Coded

Cat.n.: 1003370
Colour coded dynamometer for measuring weights or masses as well as...
943,80 CZK

Dynamometer 500 g / 5 N, Colour Coded

Cat.n.: 1003371
Colour coded dynamometer for measuring weights or masses as well as...
605,00 CZK

Dynamometer 1 kg / 10 N, Colour Coded

Cat.n.: 1003372
Colour coded dynamometer for measuring weights or masses as well as...
605,00 CZK

Dynamometer 2 kg / 20 N, Colour Coded

Cat.n.: 1003373
Colour coded dynamometer for measuring weights or masses as well as...
605,00 CZK

Dynamometer 3 kg / 30 N, Colour Coded

Cat.n.: 1003374
Colour coded dynamometer for measuring weights or masses as well as...
605,00 CZK

Dynamometer 5 kg / 50 N, Colour Coded

Cat.n.: 1003375
Colour coded dynamometer for measuring weights or masses as well as...
605,00 CZK

Set of Helical Springs for Hooke‘s Law

Cat.n.: 1003376
A set of 5 springs, each with pointer attached to provide a variety...
1 548,80 CZK

Apparatus for Measuring Young’s Modulus

Cat.n.: 1018527
Measuring apparatus for investigating the elastic deformation of rods...
29 064,20 CZK

Young’s Modulus Supplementary Set

Cat.n.: 1018528
Set of flat bars with the effective lengths of 200, 300 and 400 mm...
7 332,60 CZK

Drop and Launch Apparatus

Cat.n.: 1000588
For demonstrating unimpeded superimposition of motions. A launching...
4 283,40 CZK

Free Fall Apparatus

Cat.n.: 1000738
Apparatus for measuring the time it takes for a ball to fall a...
16 794,80 CZK

Trigger Device for Maxwell’s Wheel

Cat.n.: 1018075
Mechanic start device for triggering a well defined start instant for...
5 420,80 CZK
