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Models of fungi–natural size

Results 76 - 90 of 216

Portobello Mushroom - Agaricus hortensis

Cat.n.: ZB150-0472
(CKE.) PILAT. Edible.

Leccinum griseum

Cat.n.: ZB150-0473
(QUeL.) SING. Edible.

Polyporus umbellatus

Cat.n.: ZB150-0474
(PERS. ex FR.) Edible when young.

Polyporus umbellatus, huge Specimen

Cat.n.: ZB150-0475
(PERS. ex FR.) Edible when young.

Collybia fusipes

Cat.n.: ZB150-0476
(BULL. ex FR.) QUÉL.

Toothed Jelly Fungus - Pseudohydnum gelatinosum

Cat.n.: ZB150-0477
Pseudohydnum gelatinosum (SCOP. ex FR.) P. KARST. Edible.

Lactarius scrobiculatus

Cat.n.: ZB150-0478
Lactarius deliciosus (L. ex FR.) ŠEDÝ. Jedlý.

Clavariadelphus pistillaris

Cat.n.: ZB150-0479
(FR.) DONK. Not nice.

Amanita strobiliformis

Cat.n.: ZB150-0480
(PAULET ex VITT.) BERT. Edible.

Clitocybe geotropa

Cat.n.: ZB150-0481
(BULL. ex ST.- AM.) QUÉL. Edible when young.

Tricholoma sulphureum

Cat.n.: ZB150-0482
(BULL. ex FR.) KUMM. Indigestible, lightly poisonous.

Clavulina cinerea

Cat.n.: ZB150-0483
(BULL.) SCHROET., edible.

Tuber aestivum

Cat.n.: ZB150-0484
(VITT.) Edible.

Tricholoma saponaceum

Cat.n.: ZB150-0485
(FR.) KUMM., indigestible.

Chalciporus piperatus

Cat.n.: ZB150-0486
(BULL. ex FR.) BAT., edible but in small portions.
